N.N-Zwischenliegend / 2015 – 2020

Digital Photography (double exposure), environmental noise/sound



(Due to the corona pandemic and the lockdown in 2020, I had to stop this project in 2020. In 2021, I produce an artistic portfolio.)




N.N-Zwischenliegend - a progressive investigation into errors / eine fortlaufende Untersuchung zu Fehlern, the 10th International Conference on Artistic Research 2019, the Society for Artistic Research (SAR) and the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Zurich, Switzerland, 21 - 23, and 24 March, 2019




N.N-zwischenliegend (2015-) , Himmel über Berlin, Galerie GEDOK-Berlin under the programme of the European Month of Photography, Berlin, Germany, Opening 4. October, 5. – 28. October, 2018